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Cosmetic Dentistry & Family Dentists located in Hamilton, NJ


Invisalign® provides a safe and effective treatment for various orthodontic issues. At Belmont Dental in Hamilton, New Jersey, the team of family and cosmetic dentists prescribes Invisalign treatment to teens and adults. Invisalign treatment is more discreet than traditional braces and offers similarly stunning results. Call Belmont Dental today to schedule an Invisalign consultation, or book your appointment online.

Invisalign Q & A

How is Invisalign different from braces?

Invisalign and braces are both orthodontic treatments, but they aren’t the same.


Braces are orthodontic appliances bonded to the surfaces of your teeth. They use metal brackets, flexible archwires, and small rubber bands (called o-rings) to put pressure on your teeth or jaw.


Invisalign orthodontic appliances are plastic and fit snugly over your upper or lower teeth. You wear them all day and night, only removing them to eat, brush, or floss.

What kinds of issues might benefit from Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign aligners correct various alignment issues, including:

  • Overlapping teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Spaces between the teeth
  • Misaligned jaw

Invisalign aligners effectively treat bite abnormalities, including overbite, crossbite, and underbite.

Who qualifies for orthodontics with Invisalign?

You need to have healthy teeth and gums to undergo orthodontic treatment with Invisalign. If the Belmont Dental team determines you have cavities or gum disease, they address those issues first. After your mouth is healthy, the team continues with treatment.

What does Invisalign treatment involve?

Your Belmont Dental provider reviews your dental records, takes a series of 3D digital X-rays, and completes an oral exam. Then, they take impressions of your teeth and jaw with a digital scanner. 

Your dentist uses a software program to create a personalized Invisalign treatment plan. Afterward, they submit your plan to an Invisalign lab that creates your custom aligners. 

You return to Belmont Dental when the aligners are ready and try them on. Your provider checks your bite and explains how to keep them in optimal condition.

How long does Invisalign treatment take?

Most people complete Invisalign treatment in 12-18 months*, but it may take longer. You can speed up the process by wearing your aligners 20-22 hours a day and attending each of your scheduled checkups. 

Do I need to clean my Invisalign aligners?

Yes. Invisalign aligners are like any other oral appliance in that they collect food particles, bacteria, and saliva. Rinse your aligners in cool tap water whenever you take them out to eat. Using warm or hot water can affect the integrity of the plastic and cause them to warp.

If your aligners are exceptionally dirty, ask the Belmont Dental team about Invisalign Cleaning Crystals. 

Call Belmont Dental today to schedule an Invisalign appointment, or book your visit online.

*Individual results may vary.