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Cosmetic Dentistry & Family Dentists located in Hamilton, NJ


Consider orthodontics if you have crowded or crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw. Orthodontic treatment can transform your smile and encourage optimal oral health. At Belmont Dental in Hamilton, New Jersey, the team of family and cosmetic dentists offers orthodontics to people of all ages. Call Belmont Dental today to schedule an orthodontic consultation for yourself or your child, or book your appointment online.

Orthodontics Q & A

I want a more symmetrical smile. Should I consider orthodontics?

Yes. Orthodontics is a dental subspecialty that uses oral appliances to correct malocclusion (bad bites). Some common orthodontic appliances include braces, removable oral aligners, and retainers.

The way your teeth fit together affects your oral health. That’s because crowded and crooked teeth are more difficult to brush and floss, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

What types of issues can orthodontics treat?

The Belmont Dental team uses orthodontics to treat various alignment issues, including:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Overlapping teeth
  • Rotated teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Impacted teeth
  • Misaligned jaw

Orthodontics treats bite abnormalities, including overbite, underbite, and crossbite.

Are there different types of orthodontics?

At Belmont Dental, the team offers several types of orthodontic treatment, including:


Braces are orthodontic appliances bonded to the surfaces of your teeth. They have metal brackets, flexible archwires, and small rubber bands that place mild pressure on your teeth and jaw. 

During treatment, you visit Belmont Dental every 3-4 weeks for checkups and adjustments until you achieve your desired results. 


Invisalign straightens your teeth or jaw with a series of removable oral aligners. The aligners are clear and fit snugly over your teeth, allowing for a more discreet form of treatment. To ensure optimal results, wear your Invisalign aligners 20-22 hours a day, only removing them to eat, brush, or floss.

Orthodontic retainers

After finishing orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign, you transition to a retainer — a custom appliance made of metal and plastic. You wear it several hours each day to prevent your teeth from returning to their original position.

Can anyone undergo orthodontic treatment?

You need healthy teeth and gums to qualify for orthodontic treatment. If you have cavities or gum disease, the Belmont Dental team treats those issues first. After your mouth heals, your provider can determine if braces or Invisalign is right for you.

How long does orthodontic treatment take?

Orthodontic treatment averages 12-18 months*, but it might take longer, depending on the issues addressed and your commitment to the treatment plan. To ensure the process goes smoothly, attend your scheduled checkups and follow your Belmont Dental provider’s instructions.

Call Belmont Dental today to schedule an orthodontic appointment for yourself or your child, or book your consultation online.

*Results may vary.